
SUNDAY ART SCROLL -リアルタイムで芸術速報/世界の名画から新進気鋭クリエイター最新作まで、各地ギャラリーより「現在展示中(時々、ついこの前まで)」をお届け中。

世界最古の国立博物館で世界最大の博物館の一つとして、もはや知らない人はいないであろう、ロンドンの大英博物館。昨年は日本の漫画をテーマにした展覧会を開催し、同館の企画展として歴代最多の来場者数を記録したことも記憶に新しい。今回紹介するのは、北極圏の文化を伝える展示会『Arctic: culture and climate』。豊富な史料や収蔵品をふんだんに活かし、約3万年に渡る北極圏の歴史を読み解く。




Arrow straightener made of ivory, caribou parts.

Snow-mobile made of plastic, metal, caribou skin.

Child’s all-in-one, child’s suit, made of fur.

Man’s snow-spectacles made of leather, beads, metal (white)

Arctic Foliage (Object) Square wall-hanging on brown felt, orange, mauve and buff gound, with wool embroidered pattern of leaves in purple, pink, blue and buff.

Composite scraper, jade blade with engraved ivory handle.

A woman’s hat, or cap (ládjogahpir’), with a high extension on the crown, its shape held in place with a hollow piece of horn. Made of red wool woven cloth, commercially made. Fitted across the forehead, with flaps either side, secured under the chin with yellow plaited wool cord and a strip of p

Print ‘Nunavut – Our land’ by Kenojuak Ashevak.

Print by Pudlo Pudlat, %22Loons and Seal in Ocean Swell%22 (1986)

There’s Another One (Object) Coloured stencil drawing, ‘There’s Another One’, depicting a woman ice fishing with child in her amauti, sitting next to a dog; woman holds jigging stick and fish spear; three fish are lying on the ice; two swimming fish looking at the line are depicted under the ice.

Text by Rin Takagi
Content Direction & Edit: HEAPS Magazine



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