今回紹介するのは、ボルチモア美術館で開催中のエキシビション「Tomás Saraceno: Entangled Orbits」。アルゼンチン人アーティスト/建築家のトマス・サラセーノによるインスタレーションで、彼はこれまでも空中都市や雲などをモチーフに、観るものを不思議な空間に引きずりこむ作品で知られてきた。今回のテーマは、自然界にあるもの(雲、泡、クモの巣)。未来の建築モデルになるか、をアートと建築の境界線で挑戦する。

Tomás Saraceno. Entangled Orbits. 2017. Metal, polyester rope, iridescent plexiglass. Courtesy the artist and Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Esther Schipper, Berlin; Pinksummer Contemporary, Genoa; Andersen’s Contemporary, Copenhagen; Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires.

Tomás Saraceno. Entangled Orbits. 2017. Metal, polyester rope, iridescent plexiglass. Courtesy the artist and Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Esther Schipper, Berlin; Pinksummer Contemporary, Genoa; Andersen’s Contemporary, Copenhagen; Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires.

Tomás Saraceno. H80SW iridescent/Flying Garden/Air Port City. 2011. 80 transparent pillows, transparent film, black webbing, black rope, elastic black rope, iridescent foil. Courtesy the artist and Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Esther Schipper, Berlin; Pinksummer Contemporary, Genoa; Andersen’s Contemporary, Copenhagen; Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires.

Tomás Saraceno. Zonal Harmonic 2N 110/13 and Zonal Harmonic 3N+1D 200/16. 2017. Metal, polyester rope, fishing line, steel thread. Courtesy the artist and Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Esther Schipper, Berlin; Pinksummer Contemporary, Genoa; Andersen’s Contemporary, Copenhagen; Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires.

Tomás Saraceno. Hybrid solitary semi social semi social SAO 90734 built by: a solo Nephila senegalensis one week, a duet of Cyrtophora citricola three weeks, a quartet Cyrtophora citricola juvenile two weeks. 2017. Courtesy the artist and Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Esther Schipper, Berlin; Pinksummer Contemporary, Genoa; Andersen’s Contemporary, Copenhagen; Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires.