今回紹介するのはMOMA(ニューヨーク近代美術館)で現在開催中の「Gina Beavers—The Life I Deserve」。近年注目を集めている1974年生まれのアメリカ人アーティスト、ジーナ・ビーヴァースの作品を展示している。

Gina Beavers. Dice Nails. 2014. Acrylic on canvas panel with wood frame. Courtesy the artist
Gina Beavers. Kimchi Hot Dogs. 2014. Acrylic and wood strips on canvas panel. Courtesy the artist
Gina Beavers. Local Pasteurized Beef. 2014. Acrylic on canvas. Courtesy the artist
Gina Beavers. Mona Lisa Nail. 2015. Acrylic on linen panel. Courtesy the artist
Gina Beavers. Cake. 2015. Acrylic on canvas panel. Courtesy the artist
Gina Beavers. Smoky Eye Tutorial. 2014. Acrylic and wood on canvas panel. Courtesy the artist
Gina Beavers. Tag Yourself. 2016. Acrylic on canvas panel. Courtesy the artist
Gina Beavers. Who Has Braces? 2014. Acrylic and wood on canvas panel with wood frame. Courtesy the artist
Text by Anna Sasaki
Content Direction & Edit: HEAPS Magazine