今回のSUNDAY ART SCROLLは、現在ブルックリンミュージアムで開催中の『Rodin at the Brooklyn Museum: The Body in Bronze』。作品『考える人』や『地獄の門』であまりにも有名なフランスの彫刻家、オーギュスト・ロダン(Auguste Rodin)の彫刻58作品を、彫刻家没後100周年記念に飾る。ブロンズで黒く光る肉体美。妻がいながらも弟子カミーユ・クローデルと愛人関係で結ばれた肉欲の男ロダンは、人間の歓び、欲求、苦痛、矛盾を激しく、冷たく彫る。


Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Cast by Fonderie de Coubertin, Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuses, France. Pierre de Wiessant, Monumental Nude (Pierre de Wiessant, nu monumental), 1886, cast 1983. Bronze, 78¼ x 44¾ x 36½ in. (198.8 x 113.7 x 92.7 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the B. Gerald Cantor Collection, 86.310. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). The Age of Bronze, First Reduction, 1876 (reduction probably 1903‒04), cast 1967. Cast by Georges Rudier Fondeur, Paris. Bronze, 41¼ x 15 x 13 in. (104.8 x 38.1 x 33 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 68.49. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Cast by Georges Rudier Fondeur, Paris. Seated Bather with Feet Apart (Baigneuse assise, pieds écartés), 1895–1900; cast after 1972. Bronze, 5⅛ x 6¾ x 4⅜ in. (13 x 17.1 x 11.1 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 84.75.1. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Despair, 1880‒89, cast 1959. Cast by Georges Rudier Fondeur, Paris. Bronze, 7⅛ x 3⅝ x 3½ in. (18.1 x 9.2 x 8.9 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 84.75.2. (Photo: Sarah DeSantis)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Cast by Georges Rudier Fondeur, Paris. The Prodigal Son, Large Model (L’Enfant prodigue, grand modèle), late 1880s, cast 1969. Bronze, 54⅜ x 35½ x 28¾ in. (138.1 x 90.2 x 73 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 84.75.4. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Cast by Georges Rudier Fondeur, Paris. Head of the Tragic Muse (Tête de la Muse tragique), 1895; cast 1979. Bronze, 11⅝ x 7¼ x 9⅞ in. (29.5 x 18.4 x 25.1 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 84.75.12. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Large Left Hand (Grande main gauche), before 1912; date of cast unknown. Bronze, 11⅝ x 4½ x 5½ in. (29.5 x 11.4 x 14 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 84.75.17. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Cast by Émile Godard Fondeur, Paris. Monument to the Burghers of Calais, First Maquette (Monument des Bourgeois de Calais, première maquette), November 1884, cast circa 1967. Bronze, 23¾ x 14⅞ x 13 in. (60.3 x 37.8 x 33 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 84.75.19. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Cast by Georges Rudier Fondeur, Paris. Balzac, Second Study for Nude F (Balzac, deuxième étude pour le Nu F), 1896; cast 1979. Bronze, 37 x 16 x 15½ in. (94 x 40.6 x 39.4 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of Iris and B. Gerald Cantor, 84.77.10. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Youth Triumphant, 1896, cast date unknown (after 1898). Cast by Thiébaut Frères, Fumière & Gavignot successeurs, Paris. Bronze, 20½ x 18 x 12¾ in. (52.1 x 45.7 x 32.4 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 84.210.2. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Monumental Bust of Victor Hugo, 1902, cast 1970. Cast by Georges Rudier Fondeur, Paris. Bronze, 28½ x 23⅜ x 21½ in. (72.4 x 59.4 x 54.6 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 84.210.3. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Pierre de Wiessant, Monumental, 1887, cast 1979. Cast by Fonderie de Coubertin, Saint‐Rémy‐lès‐Chevreuses. Bronze, 84⅝ x 46 x 39 in. (214.9 x
116.8 x 99.1 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 84.243. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Mignon, 1870, cast 1966. Cast by Georges Rudier Fondeur, Paris. Bronze, 16¼ x 11⅞ x 10⅛ in. (41.3 x 30.2 x 25.7 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 85.173.2

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Cast by Georges Rudier Fondeur, Paris. Paolo and Francesca, before 1886, cast 1981. Bronze, 11¾ x 23¼ x 10⅝ in. (29.8 x 59.1 x 27 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 86.1. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Cast by Fonderie de Coubertin, Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuses, France. Damned Women (Femmes damnées), circa 1885–before 1890, cast 1979. Bronze, 7⅞ x 11¼ x 5⅝ in. (20 x 28.6 x 14.3 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 86.87.4. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Cast by Fonderie de Coubertin, Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuses, France. Eustache de Saint-Pierre, Final Head, with Rope Around the Neck (Eustache de Saint-Pierre, tête définitive, avec corde autour de cou), circa 1886; cast circa 1983. Bronze, 16¼ x 9⅝ 5/8 x 11½ in. (41.3 x 24.4 x 29.2 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of Iris and B. Gerald Cantor, 87.106.1. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)

Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917). Andrieu d’Andres, Monumental, 1888, cast 1983. Cast by Fonderie de Coubertin, Saint‐Rémy‐lès‐Chevreuses. Bronze, 78⅜ x 50 x 33½ in. (199.1 x
127 x 85.1 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 87.106.3. (Photo: Justin Van Soest)